Internet law update

  • Category: Symposium
  • Dates : March 7, 2025
  • Opening hours: 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.
  • Venue: Faculté de Droit et de Science politique - Campus Droit, center ville - Amphi C Paul Valéry - Bat. 1 - 39 rue de l'Université, Montpellier

In partnership with the Association Française des Juristes d'Entreprise (AFJE), the Laboratoire Innovation Communication et Marché (LICeM) is organizing the 11th edition of the "Actualisation du droit de l'internet" conference.

The aim of this annual event is to keep abreast of legislation and case law in the many and varied areas of Internet law.

The day is divided into two parts:

  • morning (under the chairmanship of A. Robin, LICeM): Monitoring the liability of technical service providers, intellectual property law, consumer law, labor law, personal data protection.
  • afternoon (chaired by A.-E. Rousseau, AFJE): Round-table discussion on "the use of generative AIS in the practice of corporate lawyers".

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