Afterwork de l'innovation 2024: Innovation in Occitania, what strategy for Montpellier?

  • Category: By invitation
  • Dates : July 8, 2024
  • Timetable: From 6 p.m.
  • Venue: Jardin des Plantes Orangery

The Innovation Afterwork is a major event designed to celebrate and reward the creative and visionary spirit of innovation players in the Montpellier region. The University of Montpellier, leader of the Pôle Universitaire Innovation, invites all Research and socio-economic players to its Innovation Afterwork on July 8 at the Orangerie du Jardin des Plantes. Participants will have the opportunity to share their perspectives on innovation, emerging trends and the challenges to be overcome in their respective fields during an evening hosted by News Tank Research around the theme: innovation in Occitanie, what strategy for Montpellier?


  • Opening: Phillipe Augé (President of the University of Montpellier)
  • Debate: Philippe Combette (Vice-President, Partnerships and Innovation, Université de Montpellier) and Anne-Lise MELKI, Managing Director, Biotope
  • From basic research to the desire to innovate (round table): Claude GRISON ( CNRS Research Director, Director of the ChimEco laboratory (CNRS, UM), European Inventor 2022 Award), Pierre LE BLAINVAUX (Cofounder of Technofounders), Sandrine GUERREIRO (CNRS Licensing Business Manager) 
  • Public-private, the keys to a successful collaboration: David MOUILLOT (University Professor, Member ofUMR MARBEC (CNRS, Ifremer, IRD, UM)), Vincent ABELLO (Investor and representative of SpyGen), Léa MAZEL (Head of Contracts and Valorization Department, Department of Innovation and Partnerships, University of Montpellier)
  • Innovation Awards 2024: The 6 winners of the Innovation Awards 2024 will be honored for their outstanding contributions in various fields and the impact of their innovation on society.
  • Conclusion: Alexandra PRIEUX, President ofAlcediag

The Innovation Afterwork offers a unique evening to explore the latest technological advances, encourage collaboration between Research and the socio-economic world, stimulate entrepreneurship and catalyze economic and social progress.

Free event by invitation.

For further information, please contact the Communications Department by e-mail.

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