Call for LABCOM projects ANR 2023

  • Category: Webinars
  • Dates : March 14, 2023
  • Schedules : From 2 p.m. to 3 p.m.
  • Location: Online

The University of Montpellier is inviting research organizations, companies and value-adding services to take part in a webinar co-hosted with the ANR.

This webinar will present the LABCOM ANR 2023 call for projects, which aims to provide financial support (up to €363k) for academic research players wishing to establish partnerships with companies.

This call for projects is little used by French research, but the success rate is attractive (35%) and can become a source of funding for your collaborative projects!

The ANR has increased funding for this call for projects, and now hopes to double the number of LABCOMs by 2027! Expected projects concern all disciplinary fields.

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