Art, body, science

  • Category : Day
  • Dates : April 15, 2023
  • Opening hours: 9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.
  • Location: Triolet Campus (room to be confirmed)

Gesture, body and transmission

Do you feel that gestures reinforce the message? Do they help you assimilate the ideas the teacher is promoting?

The body plays an important role in transmission. In harmony with the voice, it helps to listen and visualize ideas. Becoming aware of this often-forgotten body means reinvesting it in communication, anchoring it in the ground and in space.

We invite you to experience and understand this involvement. See how the body is involved in transmission, and breathe new life into the "teaching body" that gives meaning and power to the content of the message.


  • Leonardo Montecchia, choreographer.
  • Mathias Beyler, author, actor, sound designer, artistic director.
  • Brahim Azaoui, Lecturer in language and FLE/S didactics. His work and training focus on the role of the body in teaching (gestures, movement, posture, distance).

About the Art, Body, Science days

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