Biodiversity: the migration of plant and animal populations since the dawn of time
This event is over!
The next Science Bar organized by the University of Montpellier will take place on June 13, starting at 7pm. For this edition, Fabien Anthelme, ecologist at AMAP, and Jean-Jacques Cornée, researcher at Géosciences de l'UM, will talk to the public about these migrations of animal and plant populations.
The Bar des sciences has become one of Montpellier's flagship events for scientific culture, offering once a month, from January to June, a participatory citizen debate on all aspects of science. Throughout the season, scientists are invited to engage in a dialogue in which their knowledge and practices are not only shared, but also discussed.
The season is co-produced by the UM's scientific culture services and its partners: INRAE, INSERM and IRD.
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