It'll be short!

  • Category: Ciné-débat
  • Dates : April 11, 2023
  • Timetable: From 7pm
  • Location: Cinéma UTOPIA, 5 avenue du Dr Pezet 34090 Montpellier

Screening of 7 short films on inequality and discrimination.

Come and discover the short films of Maxime Mandin, young director, actor, scriptwriter, Jason Girard, director and students from the Travelling film school at Utopia.

After sharing a convivial moment over a welcome buffet, the screening will start at around 8pm.

The short films selected blend different cinematographic genres on the theme of inequalities - be they racial, social or even sexist - that we are still confronted with on a daily basis, allowing us to approach questions of hierarchy and abuse in a different way. 

An exchange between the directors and the public will then take place on the theme of the evening, as well as on the artistic and technical choices they have made in the making of their short films.

Evening organized by Lauriane and Emma, civic service volunteers with the Art & Culture department of Montpellier University. In partnership with the La Salle d'à côté program launched by the Occitanie Region and Occitanie Films, the Travelling Film School and Utopia cinema.

  • Free for students and staff of the University of Montpellier
  • 4 € for outsiders

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