Scientific truths and judicial truths" symposium

  • Category:
  • Dates : December 13, 2019
  • Opening hours: 08h45 - 18h00
  • Location:

"L'apport des sciences et nouvelles technologies à l'expertise criminalistique et à la connaissance du risque de passage à l'acte délinquant".
Faculty of Law and Political Science, bât. 1, amphitheatre D.

A multidisciplinary, cross-disciplinary approach to forensic science and knowledge of the risk of delinquency is the most effective way of tackling this issue. In this sense, forensic expertise, based on the combination of legal disciplines, forensic psychiatry and forensic chemistry, relies on the necessary confrontation of these different viewpoints. Developments in scientific techniques, as well as in new technologies, are renewing questions and shedding new light on the subject, which we need to take into account at the start of the 21st century.

Through the cross-fertilization of disciplines, the symposium to be held on December 13, 2019 at Montpellier's Faculty of Law and Political Science combines legal, psychiatric and neuropsychiatric analyses, and includes the viewpoints of chemists and criminologists.
Thanks to this type of cross-disciplinary analysis between the social sciences, chemistry and biology-health, unprecedented in its methodology from a social science perspective, both avenues for reflection and practical, concrete effects will emerge.

The symposium will bring together speakers from these diverse disciplines.
It is organized by the Equipe de droit pénal de Montpellier (EDPM/UMR 5815 UM/CNRS Dynamiques du droit), the Institut des Biomolécules Max Mousseron (IBMM), INSERM Unit 1061 and CRIAVS-LR, CHU de Montpellier.

Free admission.