Spatial data: environment and society

  • Category: Science day
  • Dates : May 30, 2023
  • Opening hours: 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.
  • Venue: Agropolis Amphitheatre, Montpellier - 1000 Av. Agropolis, 34000 Montpellier

Announcement and Call for Papers.

Organized by Labex CeMEB and NUMEV and UMR TETIS.

A range of data spatialization techniques is currently available in ecology and environmental sciences, enabling detailed diagnoses to be made of the spatial distribution of habitats, species, populations and individuals, as well as tracking animal movements. The rapid development of sensors and associated communication networks now makes it possible to deploy systems for characterizing the plant environment on a global scale. 

The information acquired is used in the field of spatial ecology to better understand how intra- and interspecific ecological interactions are organized both in space and time. It can also be used to produce, analyze, model and interpret geographical information, which is essential for monitoring the environment in the face of global change, and has proved its worth for the sustainable management of natural environments and agricultural, forestry and artificial land.

Moreover, responding to society's needs means going beyond the production of observational data. They can be integrated into modeling or decision-making tools, taking into account their uncertainties, synthesized in the form of indicators in observatories, or mobilized in consultation processes or new forms of open science (living labs, etc.). Their multiple impacts (socio-economic, environmental, democratic, etc.) can also be assessed.

The day is divided into three sessions, with two introductory talks followed by presentations (10 mins) selected from the call for papers. Flash presentations (3mn oral plus poster) will also be possible during the coffee and lunch breaks.

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