"they've chosen impact jobs!"

  • Category: Round table
  • Dates : April 4, 2023
  • Opening hours : A 18h30
  • Venue: Polytech Montpellier, University of Montpellier, building 31, Serge Peytavin amphitheatre - Place Eugène Bataillon, Montpellier

Open to all.

Meet graduates of the school who are committed to the ecological transition, right down to their professional careers. Many alumni answered the call!

Today, they are all graduates and practicing engineers. All of them have decided to make themselves useful on a daily basis for others and the planet.
These are values that Polytech Montpellier has been promoting for several years, including in the training of its students.

Who are they? Eco-design engineer, renewable energy project manager, CSR manager... You can already find portraits of some of the speakers by clicking here.

The aim of this event is to encourage exchanges between participants and graduates of the school who are confronted with the challenges of the ecological transition in their professions. Exchanges promise to be very rich!

Program :

  • 6:30 pm - Round table / Presentation of alumni, followed by a debate on careers in the ecological transition and a question and answer session.
  • 8:00 pm - Buffet discussion.

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