CHARM-EU 2024 Days

  • Category : Meeting
  • Dates : November 5 to 6, 2024
  • Location: Budapest (Hungary), Montpellier and online.

For this 2024 edition, the Charm-EU Days showcase the richness of the universities of the Charm-EU European alliance, with a particular focus on the benefits of cultural diversity and intercultural learning. On the program for November 5 and 6 at Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE) in Budapest (Hungary): an annual conference, an intercultural festival and many inspiring exchanges. In Montpellier: an activity open to UM students and staff.

Rich in history and diversity, European culture is rooted in art, architecture, traditions, gastronomy, music, economics, philosophy... While helping to recognize and consolidate the cultural diversity present within their communities, European alliances also have a mission to reflect European values while opening up to partners from all over the world. How does culture shape our identities, influence our perspectives and nourish our interactions in an increasingly interconnected world?

The annual Charm-EU conference (November 5) is an opportunity to highlight intercultural learning practices and explore the role of culture in deepening transnational and inter-institutional collaboration within alliances and beyond.  

For its first edition, the Charm-EU cultural festival (November 5 and 6) is designed to share the diversity of languages and cultures of its members in a playful way. While most of the activities will take place at the Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE) in Budapest (Hungary), an interactive and exploratory activity will be offered (registration required) at the UM for students and staff.

The CHARM-EU Days program :

CHARM-EU annual conference

November 5 on the theme of "European universities and intercultural learning": keynotes, themed discussions, workshops...

The conference focuses on the specificities of languages and cultures in terms of intercultural learning, new opportunities and potential challenges for European university alliances. The event brings together students, staff, alliance representatives, policy-makers and external partners.

Topics include: promoting cultural awareness, facilitating transnational and intercultural learning, strengthening cultural links and cooperation between partners, looking at how interculturality shapes the strategy of member universities and how intercultural collaboration underpins the European Alliance process, bringing together students and academics from different countries and disciplines... The conference(program) will be streamed live online.

CHARM-EU cultural festival

On November 5 and 6 , CHARM-EU alliance partner universities and the ELTE Faculty of Humanities (Budapest) will be hosting a wide range of cultural and leisure activities.

An interactive tour of Montpellier

On November 5 at 3pm, as part of the CHARM-EU cultural festival, the University of Montpellier is offering an interactive " Welcome to Montpellier " tour (approx. 2h) for UM students and staff. The activity (in English only) consists of a geolocated quiz in the streets of Montpellier by teams of 3 to 10 people on the theme of sustainability using the PeekApp application on their smartphone. An interactive and educational excursion not to be missed. Meet at Place de la Comédie, Montpellier. Free admission.

A festival of short films open to all!

Also to coincide with the CHARM-EU Cultural Festival, the University of Barcelona is organizing an Instagram festival of short online films (, open to students from all CHARM-EU alliance universities until October 27. Dealing with the theme of interculturality, the video must be in several languages (at least two languages and English subtitles), last a maximum of 90 seconds and be filmed in real format. On your phones!

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