"The electronic sandwich goes live #10

  • Category: Live concerts
  • Dates : April 25, 2024
  • Opening hours : A 20h
  • Location: Black Out - 6 Rue de la Vieille, 34000 Montpellier

Live music workshop.
Led by musician Sébastien Daillet.
Free admission.

One concert, 9 live performances

Come and listen to and immerse yourself in the musical worlds of the ten participants in the Live musical workshop, in the subdued atmosphere of Le Black Out bar.

From techno to house, electro to afrobeats, with vocals, acoustic instruments or without, the musical styles and moods vary, but the spirit of sharing and enjoyment remains the same.

The first symptoms are the neck moving back and forth to the rhythm, the foot tapping the beat on the floor, the body swaying from left to right, the lips stretching into a smile.

Let Simon, Pierre, Kieffer, Léna, Edouard, Oscar, Vichenzo, Erwan and Louise, UM students and staff, take you on a journey of discovery and surprise you all evening long!

The 10th anniversary of the "Electronic Sandwich MAKES ITS LIVE" concert evening

So what's the story behind this unusual name?

The "Electronic Sandwich" brings together all the music composition workshops using Ableton Live software - also known as computer-assisted music workshops: from beginners to advanced levels, as well as the workshop dedicated to live performance.

The name came about on the initiative of musician Sébastien Daillet, as the first workshops were held during lunch breaks. The idea was to have a sandwich, while doing various exercises on the software, deepening one's composition techniques and exchanging with others about their musical projects.

The workshop then expanded to offer three levels and, since 2014, has organized a live electronic music concert at the Black Out bar.

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