"School is not for the poor".

  • Category: "Les Mercredis des Savoirs" conference
  • Dates : October 18, 2023
  • Timetable: 5 to 6.30 p.m.
  • Venue: FDE - Montpellier site (2 place Marcel Godechot - Montpellier), amphi D and videoconference

The Wednesday Knowledge Conference on March 15 has been cancelled.

Thanks to the experience and professional expertise of Jean-Paul Delahaye, this conference will enable us to question the policy of the education system. Based on the speaker's experiences, we'll be able to take stock of the situation at school and discuss ways of combating inequalities.

School is not for the poor: does it finance the education of the rich? How is it not pro-poor? What are the levers for a more fraternal and egalitarian school? How can cooperation help combat social inequality?

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