Professional integration meetings

  • Category:
  • Dates: March 29, 2018
  • Opening hours: 6:00 pm - 7:30 pm
  • Location:

Thursday, March 29, 2018 from 6 to 7:30 p.m.
Richter Campus, Institut Montpellier Management, amphitheatre B. 113
Open to all students of the University of Montpellier

The Service Communitaire Universitaire d'Information, d'Orientation et d'Insertion professionnelle (SCUIO - IP) of the University of Montpellier organizes the second part of the "Rencontres de l'Insertion Professionnelle".
These events, organized throughout the year by SCUIO-IP, offer students the chance to attend interactive lectures on a variety of themes linked to professional integration. Specialists will address topics such as entrepreneurship, networking, communication techniques and recruitment interviews.
The second part of this series will take place on Thursday March 29 at the Institut Montpellier Management. 

"What if you became the entrepreneur of your life?"

A conference to help you understand the business world of today and tomorrow, and how to find your place in it while realizing your full potential. Pierre Alzingre, Start-up - Entrepreneurship specialist, gives the 5 keys to becoming the entrepreneur of your life.
A personalized personality test is offered to all participants to discover their areas of strength.
Students, become the entrepreneurs of your life
Pierre Alzingre accompanies entrepreneurs on a daily basis, while helping students and employees of major groups to develop strong entrepreneurial skills through the organization of hackathons or innovative educational programs.
Students often live with the fear of taking the wrong direction, of not finding a job, or of negotiating it badly. This conference aims to help students change their mindset to gain self-confidence, while also changing their software to become a permanent force of proposal and construction for their company.
To register, please complete the following online questionnaire: Registration for the conference Students, become the entrepreneurs of your life
Keep up to date with the latest news from Montpellier University's professional network.