Take part in the UNI-ECO Summer School from July 19 to 22, 2021
This event is over!
The first UNI-ECO* Summer School, organized by Trinity College Dublin, will take place online over 4 half-days (alternating between mornings and afternoons) from July 19 to 22, 2021. The event is free and entirely in English. Registration is open to all students and staff of the University of Montpellier, by completing the corresponding corresponding online form before July 12, 2021.
Why take part?
- receive a digital certificate of participation ;
- take an active part in the UNI-ECO project;
- Give your opinion on our online training modules;
- share best practices and learn new ways to tackle sustainability challenges on university campuses and beyond;
- meet students and staff who are passionate about sustainable development;
- discover the best projects selected by each partner university as part of the Green Challenge campaign.
Even if you can't take part in the whole summer school program, we encourage you to sign up for part of the sessions at your convenience.
Don't hesitate to take part in the voting campaign organized on the UNI-ECO social networks (Facebook / Twitter) from June 23 to 30, 2021 to gather the opinions of the university community on the theme of sustainable development.
For more information, please visit the dedicated page on the UNI-ECO project website, where details of the event program will be revealed.
If you have any questions about the summer school or the UNI-ECO project, please contact us by e-mail by clicking here.
*The European UNI-ECO project aims to raise awareness of sustainable development and encourage cooperation and action by all university campus users (students and staff) towards a sustainable campus.
This is an initiative led by the University of Montpellier in partnership with the University of Barcelona, the University of Utrecht, Eötvös Loránd University in Budapest and Trinity College Dublin (all members of the CHARM-EU), as well as the UNIMED university network and the NGO CESIE. This "Strategic Partnership" is co-financed by the European Commission's Erasmus+ program.