Presentation of the Labcom ANR and Chin ANR 2025 calls for projects
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Do you have an innovation project involving collaboration with a research laboratory and a company? Find out more about theAgence Nationale de la Research (ANR) "Labcom" and "Chaires industrielles (CHIN)" calls for projects during a dedicated webinar on January 28, 2025 at 2pm. A call for projects organized by the Pôle Universitaire Innovation de Montpellier.
Mr. De Souffron, ANR referent for the " Labcom " call for projects, will present this scheme, which follows on from " companies and campus ". It aims to set up a joint laboratory, with funding of €363,000 allocated to the research laboratory.
Mr. Bakala, ANR referent for the " CHIN " call for projects, will present this scheme, which supports collaborative research projects with funding ranging from €500,000 to €1,200,000 allocated to the host establishment hosting the industrial chair.
On the agenda for this webinar:
- Introduction and presentation of the Montpellier PUI
- Presentation of the LABCOM ANR call for projects
- Presentation of the CHIN ANR call for projects
- Questions / Answers
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