Restrictive diets: what are the consequences? How do you deal with them?
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This lecture by Dr. Jean-Baptiste Bonnet, Head of Clinic at Montpellier University Hospital, in Prof. Ariane Sultan's Nutrition-Diabetes Department, is organized as part of the UM's Schéma Directeur Handicap and European Week for the Employment of People with Disabilities.
Eating is probably the physiological need with the greatest sociological impact. All civilizations, all religions, all peoples have considered the act of eating, standardized it and inscribed it in their spirituality and rituals. So it's hardly surprising that, when faced with a personal challenge (an academic exam, an unbalanced chronic illness, a sporting competition...), people try to use this vector as a means of achieving their performance or analgesic objective. This is when diets, more or less restrictive, more or less deficient and, above all, more or less science-based, take their place. In the case of certain pathologies and disabilities, recourse to this type of diet is not unusual either. For the professional accompanying these people, it's a question of knowing the principles, the errors and the possible benefits, while not losing sight of the value framework that underpins them almost invariably.
Free admission, registration required before Wednesday, November 20, 2024.
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