Open Science Webinars: Data warehouses
This event is over!
The UM's Open Science and Research Support team continues its program of webinars on Open Science!
These webinars cover topics such as Open Science, scientific publications, research data and digital identifiers.
They take place every other Tuesday, between 11am and 12pm, with a presentation (between 20 and 40 minutes) and a time for discussion.
The webinar on December 3, 2024, from 11am to 12pm, will be on the topic of "Data warehouses".
Data warehouses, the mainstay of research data enhancement, have proliferated in recent years, taking many forms (generalist, disciplinary, institutional tools, financial models, etc.).
In this webinar, the UM research support team, accompanied by a speaker from the Collège pour la Science Ouverte, will show you how to identify the different types of data warehouses and select the tool best suited to your needs.
View all past webinars on YouTube
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