All events
Come and join us for a convivial evening to discover all the...
Presentation of the Labcom ANR and Chin ANR 2025 calls for projects
Do you have an innovation project involving collaboration with a...
Open Access publishing: the diamond model
The UM's Open Science and Research Support team is continuing its...
Les Rendez-vous de l'Eco "L'information sous influence, vacillement des médias traditionnels et enjeux démocratiques" (Information under influence, the wavering of traditional media and democratic issues)
As part of the "Rendez-vous de l'Eco" event, the Faculty of Economics at...
"Prototypes. From experimentation to innovation".
Initiated by the Musée des Arts et Métiers in Paris, the exhibition "...
Information session on the junior consultant program
The Junior Consultant diploma program offers students in Master 2 and...
Science, responsibility and commitment: what strategies for making a difference in public action?
The annual conference of the Collège des sociétés savantes académiques de...
Taking action in the face of climate change: what transformations in science-society interactions?
Conference by Valérie Masson-Delmotte. At the invitation of the...
After hours innovation
The 5th Innovation After Hours will take place on Tuesday February 4 at 5pm...
Blood donation
Would you like to do something for the community? Come and give your...
National Institute of Industrial Property (INPI) offices
What is an innovation? What is a patent?...
Entrepreneurship in the age of transitions: challenges and opportunities?
Entrepreneurship round table: "Daring to undertake in the face of...