All events
Information session on the junior consultant program
The Junior Consultant diploma program offers students in Master 2 and...
After hours innovation
The 5th Innovation After Hours will take place on Tuesday February 4 at 5pm...
Science, responsibility and commitment: what strategies for making a difference in public action?
The annual conference of the Collège des sociétés savantes académiques de...
Taking action in the face of climate change: what transformations in science-society interactions?
Conference by Valérie Masson-Delmotte. At the invitation of the...
Blood donation
Would you like to do something for the community? Come and give your...
Entrepreneurship in the age of transitions: challenges and opportunities?
Entrepreneurship round table: "Daring to undertake in the face of...
5 minutes to convince" competition
If you have a professional project, sign up and come and present it in front of...
Browsing and analyzing the "web of claims": characteristics, biases and evolution of fact-checked claims
The aim of the Research MIPS conferences is to raise awareness of the...
Open doors at the University of Montpellier
On Saturday February 8, the University of Montpellier opens its doors to...
Créa'thlon: step into the shoes of an entrepreneur
IAE Montpellier and its association IAE Startup Lab are organizing the 11th...
Deposit your research data: Research Data Gouv and Data
The UM's Open Science and Research Support team is continuing its...
Doing business to change the world - why not give it a try? Bioviva's realistic utopia
Jean-Thierry Winstel is founder and director of Bioviva. An agricultural engineer...