4 new key initiatives to affirm the unique identity of the MUSE I-SITE

Presented in June and July 2020 to the MUSE Boardi*, 4 new cross-disciplinary themes will be labeled Key Initiatives MUSE in September. Infectious Risks and Vectors (RIVE), Nutrition and Food Systems, Interdisciplinary Blood Science Network (Riss) and Climate Risks and Health (Phoenix). 

These 4 new MUSE key initiatives complement existing initiatives to affirm MUSE's singular identity and its involvement in high-stakes themes at both local and international level. The aim is to strengthen synergies between Research, Education and the Economy within a multi-disciplinary community. These 4 new KIMs will highlight the strong potential of Montpellier's scientific strengths in the field of health, at the interface of the three MUSE pillars: Nourish - Protect - Care.

While the projects still need to be fine-tuned on a number of specific points before their official launch, here are the broad outlines around which these four initiatives will be developed.

Infectious Risks and Vectors (RIVE)

Current global changes are leading to an increased risk of vector-borne disease emergence, to humans, animals and plants, including in our region. Montpellier's academic, institutional and economic community has the ambition, and the capacity, to develop innovative and sustainable approaches to understanding the risks of emergence, surveillance and control of these diseases. The project proposed to the board aims to consolidate Montpellier's position as a European center of excellence and expertise, by structuring its community around a "one health / Eco Health"approach that meets the challenges of MUSE: Nourish, Care, Protect.

With more than 40 research structures and 600 players, the KIM will support research into the emergence, vector transmission and control of infectious agents. Firmly oriented towards stakeholders, particularly in the region, KIM RIVE will deploy its actions through a dense network of partnerships in both the South and the North, and will provide the basis for high-level expertise and training. Companies in the region will be encouraged to develop the applications resulting from the research. The KIM will organize international events and summer schools to raise the profile of MUSE.

Nutrition and food systems

A major social issue, the Food - Nutrition - Health triptych is a strong marker for the MUSE I-SITE development project on an international scale. Bringing together the "Agro" and "Health" communities around translational approaches combining fundamental and participatory research, trans-disciplinary and trans-sectorial, should enable Montpellier to become an original ecosystem for research, training and development in the field of nutrition. Complementary expertise will provide a scientific basis to better support food and health policies, offer original training through the construction of a new Master's degree focusing on the agri (aqua)culture - environment - health nexus within the conceptual framework of Ecosanté - Econutrition, contribute to the competitiveness of businesses and improve the resilience of territories in the South through a multi-stakeholder approach.

Interdisciplinary Blood Science Network

On a site-wide scale, many players deal with blood-related issues and/or develop expertise to answer these questions: Montpellier and Nîmes university hospitals, research units, public and private socio-economic partners, Établissement Français du Sang, Master's degree courses. While strengths are available, interactions between players could be optimized and collaborations between practitioners, biologists, biophysicists, veterinarians and representatives of the hard sciences are too few in number, as are transfer activities between the academic and economic worlds. The KIM aims to foster the emergence of synergies between the various players in the field. Among the actions that will be implemented are a program to attract young researchers trained in multidisciplinarity, and strong actions to boost international visibility by hosting and organizing major scientific events in Montpellier.

Climate Risks and Health (Phoenix)

Among the major challenges of this century, the effects of climate change on people's health are becoming increasingly significant. They can have a significant impact on healthcare systems. In Occitanie, according to an Insee report from February 20201, the heat waves of 2019 offer a glimpse of the heatwaves to come. The major objective of KIM PHOENIX is to highlight the effects of extreme climate risks (heatwaves, in the first instance) on healthcare organizations and propose managerial solutions to develop resilient organizations. Among the actions proposed to the MUSE Board are the creation and management of a multidisciplinary observatory, the development of international partnerships to benefit from the effects of experience, and the organization of a role-playing exercise designed to put the players in healthcare establishments to the test of a climatic risk.

The MUSE Board is the steering body of the I-SITE. It is made up of the President of the University of Montpellier (UM) and representatives from CEA, CIRAD, INRAE, INSERM, IRD, UM and one representative from each of the partner pacts "Institut agro-Montpellier SupAgro, ENSCM, CIHEAM IAMM", "CHU de Montpellier, CHU Nîmes et ICM" and "BRGM, Ifremer, Inria". CHU de Montpellier, CHU de Nîmes and ICM" and "BRGM, Ifremer, Inria".