50 years of success for IUT

They train talented future professionals, who are highly sought-after by recruiters. The IUTs are 50 years old: an opportunity to shine the spotlight on these university institutes that offer young people a real passport to employment.

Credit: Mathieu Boudart

Training tailored to the needs of markets and business sectors, diplomas that meet the expectations of future employers: the good idea is called IUT. It was born on January 7, 1966. At the time, the aim was to respond to a concrete need in the economy: in France, there was a shortage of middle managers, those who could bridge the gap between the design and execution of professional tasks. In the words of the decree that led to the creation of the IUTs, "a new approach" was adopted, based on "an appropriate pedagogy that calls on the collaboration of the professions, a scientific and technical training of a concrete nature, well adapted to contemporary realities".

A safe bet for professionals

From the outset, the new course of study focused on innovation, giving pride of place to new disciplines such as computer science, production engineering and civil engineering. It was an immediate success, and 50 years later it's still going strong. Since 1966, nearly 2 million students in France have obtained a DUT (diplôme universitaire de technologie) and built a professional career. These students benefit from a high rate of professional integration: 75% of young graduates wishing to enter working life directly find a job within 6 months.
The reasons for this success? A dual academic and professional culture. Anchored in the university and linked to research, the IUT successfully bridges the gap between theoretical training and the professional world, which now recognizes it as a valuable asset. An IUT that is evolving in response to changes in society. Created with the aim of training middle managers at bac +2 level, it also enables students to opt for longer studies: today, this is the choice of many students who continue their studies after obtaining their DUT.

The 3 IUTs of the University of Montpellier

The University of Montpellier's 17 departments include 3 IUTs: IUT de Montpellier-Sète, IUT de Nîmes and IUT de Béziers.

  • The Montpellier-Sète IUT has 9 departments: Chemistry (Montpellier campus), Chemistry (Sète campus), Biological Engineering, Physical Measurements, Electrical Engineering and Industrial Computing, Computer Science, Social Careers (Paul Valéry University campus), Business and Administration Management, Marketing Techniques. It welcomed 2,300 students at the start of the 2015 academic year.
  • The Nîmes IUT has 5 departments: Civil Engineering, Electrical Engineering and Industrial IT, Mechanical and Production Engineering, Business and Administration Management, Materials Science and Engineering. It welcomed 1162 students at the start of the 2015 academic year.
  • The Béziers IUT has 3 departments: Networks and Telecommunications, Marketing Techniques, Multimedia and Internet Professions. It welcomed nearly 500 students at the start of the 2015 academic year.