Alexis Warret "The main objective is to ensure the fluidity of the plant's activities".
Since the beginning of November, Alexis Warret has held the position of Accounting Officer at the University of Montpellier for a 4-year term, renewable once. A connoisseur of the higher education and research environment, he has set two goals for his new mission: modernization and simplification. When good accounts make good agents... Encounter.
Alexis Warret.
Accounting officer at the University of Montpellier.
I would distinguish two blocks. A historical block, the basis of the job: paying invoices, collecting receipts, keeping accounts and the accounting inventory, producing the accounts, what we call the financial statement for the year just ended at the beginning of the following year, etc. This is the core of the job.
The second block of missions is linked to the implementation of the GBCP ( public budget and accounting management) and the RCE ( extended responsibilities and competencies). This involves participation, management and project management in the area of financial and accounting modernization. It's the contribution we can make to the strategic management of the establishment by producing reliable accounting data that enables management to make decisions with all the necessary information.
The challenges of your term of office?
The evolution of the Sifac budgetary, financial and accounting management software into Sifac+, a much more complete version, which will take around two years to prepare. We're going to start as early as 2025, and this is going to be a major focus of my term of office. The second "challenge" is simplification. We're going to expand the scope of our modernization of payment tools with the purchasing card, which will be both a tool for modernizing payments and simplifying the expenditure chain for teacher-researchers.
What skills are required?
One immediately thinks of the technical skills that are at the heart of the job. Clearly, I think it's the ability to adapt to the fast-paced environment of higher education and research.
For several years now, we've been seeing increasingly complex projects being put together, often involving a mix of funding sources with different rules and regulations that are not necessarily adapted to the situation, or are a little outdated. So we need to work on this adaptation. We are also working with increasingly important partners, including foreign ones, which entails a certain number of management constraints.
Cicada or ant?
An accountant is rarely a cicada, but rather an ant by nature. Especially in the current national context. It's uncertain, it's fluid with the absence of a national budget. The main objective is to ensure the fluidity of the establishment's activities.
Tour account or current account?
Neither. Public transport. Montpellier is very well equipped in this respect, so this will be my contribution to saving the environment.
Assets or liabilities?
We're going to say assets. Accounting is all very well, but you have to get away from it once in a while. I like to travel a lot and read a lot: history, comics... My tastes are quite varied.
Maroilles, sauerkraut or fougasse?
A little bit of everything. I'm originally from the Pas-de-Calais region, so I spent a lot of time working all over there. Then I moved down to the Rhône, to Lyon. Then I moved up to Alsace, Strasbourg. And since the beginning of November, I've been working in the Occitanie region, in Montpellier.
Accounting exercise or academic exercise?
Even so, it's very much an accounting exercise, so let's be clear about that. I began my career in traditional administration, as head of a study department at the Université d'Artois. After that, I switched to the Treasury side and took the competitive entrance exam to become a university school administration advisor, for those of you who know me, as the grade has now disappeared.
From there, it was a career in accounting: accounting officer at IUFM Nord-Pas-de-Calais for 5 years; the University of Valenciennes for 3 years; the University of Lyon, also for just over 5 years; the University of Strasbourg, for almost 8 years, two almost full terms. And then the University of Montpellier, since the beginning of November.
Thank you!