Call for projects relation Science-Société 2023 - Track 2: "Impact'Sciences".
This AAP is part of a strategy to disseminate the research generated in our region and its challenges, particularly to young people and schoolchildren.

Impact'Sciences aims to support innovative initiatives aimed specifically at young people and schoolchildren, with the main objective of boosting knowledge-sharing initiatives and events dealing with the methods, results, issues and questions of experimental science.
The scientific culture projects proposed (exhibitions, discussions, scientific workshops, board games, educational notebooks, multimedia, etc.) must be based on research results, knowledge and/or know-how recently generated by the project leader or his/her team. Equal opportunity schemes to facilitate access to higher education will be encouraged.
The University of Montpellier's scientific culture services can provide support for selected projects in the following areas: contacts with players and events in the regional scientific culture network, advice on scientific mediation, dissemination, communication and press relations if required.
Main selection criteria :
- nature of the scientific content in line with the research themes of the project sponsor(s) ;
- Matching actions to target audiences ;
- implementation feasibility and partnerships ;
- originality/innovation ;
- overall impact envisaged over the period of implementation of the actions (volume, number of employees) ;
- impact of the project in terms of the University's visibility and influence.
NB: particular attention will be paid to projects based on UM's scientific and/or heritage collections. Projects that can be mobilized during the Year of Physics will also be encouraged (the Year of Physics, from September 2023 to July 2024, is initiated in France by the CNRS, the Société Française de Physique, the Ministry of Education and Youth, the CEA, and France Universités).
Budget allocated to this AAP:
50 K€ in two campaigns (Autumn 2022 & Autumn 2023). Grants will be capped at 4 K€ per project.
How to submit:
Projects must be submitted in pdf format according to the attached template.
Maximum project duration:
2 years
Evaluation commission
Chaired by the VP in charge of Science-Society relations and made up of the Director of the DCSPH and the two heads of the scientific culture services attached to this department, a member of the CR UM, a representative of Institut Agro, ENSCM, and external experts(2 approx.).
Eligible expenses :
- operating expenses and purchase of consumables justifiable in cost accounting ;
- investment costs, purchase of equipment ;
- trainee bonuses - Civic service ;
- services directly linked to the project, in particular graphic or multimedia services, Fablab, museology, reprography, animation (the researcher co-designs and an association of scientific culture animates in front of the public...);
- human resources, expenditure on non-permanent staff hired by the University or, exceptionally, by one of the partner research unit's supervisory bodies (student vacations, additional teaching assignments, etc.).
Reminder: laboratory management costs are not eligible.
2nd campaign timetable
- Launch/opening of the AAP: November 16, 2023.
- Deadline for proposals: December 18, 2023 (11pm).
- Evaluation committee: January 2024.
- Project start-up: February 2024.