Scams, crime and computers
The University of Montpellier is asserting its expertise in cybersecurity, a theme which is at the heart of a DU at the Faculty of Law and Political Science.
A unique DU
It's a sector that's growing by 10% a year, a development commensurate with the stakes involved in this new type of crime, which is estimated to cost 400 billion euros worldwide every year. As a pioneer in training and research on a subject described by the French Ministry of Defense as " an issue of national sovereignty ", the UM has set itself apart by offering a one-of-a-kind university diploma in "Cybercrime: law, information security and computer forensics". The diploma, supported by the Ecole Nationale de la Magistrature and major companies, aims to train students, legal professionals, information systems managers and investigators in this emerging theme, which is fast becoming a key issue. " Thanks to its expertise in criminal sciences and intellectual property, the UM is one of Europe's leading academic partners in the fields of cyber-security and the fight against cyber-crime," explains Adel Jomni, expert with the Council of Europe and head of these projects at the University of Montpellier.
Recognized expertise
This expertise has enabled the university to regularly host specialized investigators and magistrates for training seminars. Having signed an agreement with Europol in 2009, the University of Montpellier is a member of the 2CENTRE network. This network, piloted by the European Union, brings together universities, industry (Thalès, Microsoft) and law enforcement agencies.
The network has a dual objective: on the one hand, to conduct research projects to develop new investigation and defense tools, and on the other, to improve law enforcement training and disseminate best practices within companies.
The UM is also involved in the CAMINO (Comprehensive Approach to cyber roadMap coordINation and develOpment) project, which included the April 8 and 9 symposium. It brought together 10 European players from 8 countries, who examined different methods of improving resilience to cybercrime and cyberterrorism. Drawing on the experience and knowledge of a group of "supporting members" from across Europe and North America (USA, Canada), new lines of research and approaches to assessing results have emerged.
Find out more about the DU Cybercrime: law, information security and computer forensics