Bass in the spotlight

No retrospective has ever been devoted to Saul Bass in France. On the 20th anniversary of his death, three events celebrate the genius of the New York graphic designer.

After Saul Bass, the world didn't look the same. Or was it our vision that had changed? To this graphic genius, whose film posters marked the Sixties, we owe some of the most sublime animated credits in the history of cinema. A genre he revolutionized, working with some of the greatest directors, including Otto Preminger, Alfred Hitchcock, Billy Wilder and Martin Scorsese.

If Saul Bass can die...

It's time to pay tribute: the University of Montpellier joins forces with the art center La Fenêtre for three events open to the general public, focusing on Saul Bass's only feature film, Phase IV (1974). An atypical work of art, it recounts the battle of a colony of mutant ants for control of the Earth and its resources...
Three events to pay homage to the man of whom Ray Bradbury once said: "If Saul Bass can die, then none of us is safe". In particular, there will be a meeting to discuss the nagging question: can ants take over the world?