CHARM-EU: the first international meeting of librarians

On September 24 and 25, a delegation from the University of Montpellier took part in a meeting at Eötvös Loránd University in Budapest (Hungary) to a meeting of all the members of the CHARM-EU network of documentation services. A first.

When librarians from the CHARM-EU alliance meet atEötvös Loránd University in Budapest (Hungary), the result is a working meeting rich in exchanges and projects, attended by a UM delegation led by Sandrine Gropp, Director of the Joint Documentation Service. The two-day program, organized in the form of collaborative workshops, mobilized the participants around three major challenges of direct concern to the students of the Global Challenges for Sustainable Development joint master's degree: training in the ethical use of AI; optimal access to documentary resources; and better integration into the student communities and universities where they are mobile.

These shared sessions have enabled us to develop avenues for collaboration between teachers and librarians. These included information skills, the use of open-access resources in an open science dimension applied to teaching, and mobilization around projects on ecological transition and sustainable development (TEDS) within the alliance's libraries.

A photo exhibition

For this first exchange, which opened up prospects for future collaboration, a collective photo exhibition showcased the diversity of the European Alliance's libraries, as well as their commonalities and shared values. The librarians in attendance were also given a tour of the Eötvös Loránd University library and its ancient holdings, as well as the newly-created collaborative space dedicated in particular to foreign students.