[Takeoff #7] Winning a Young Researchers Grant (YRG)
Geoffroy Duporté is a teacher-researcher at Hydrosciences Montpellier (HSM), where he works on emerging contaminants in the environment, particularly in the atmosphere. Thanks to this research, he was named winner of the 2023 "Young Researchers" call for projects with the WeCare project. He tells us about it in the Décollage series proposed by the Direction de l'Innovation et des Partenariats (Dipa) of the University of Montpellier.
At present, wastewater treatment plants are unable to eliminate all the contaminants present in wastewater, which are then released into the environment. A better understanding of the health and environmental risks associated with these contaminants is therefore essential, especially in a context where resource management is encouraging the development of Reut or reuse of treated wastewater.
The originality of the work of Geoffroy Duporté, research professor at Hydrosciences Montpellier, lies in his interest in the passage of these contaminants from the aquatic environment to the atmospheric compartment, a dimension little explored until now. "Historically, I've tended to work on elements present in the atmosphere, but in the context of this call for projects, the idea was to combine the work carried out as part of my post-doctorate with what I'm doing now at HSM on treated wastewater.
With the support of Dipa, he applied for the Wecare project's call for Young Researchers (JCJC) 2023 and obtained funding to carry out this research. "ANR JCJC funding is an important step in a young researcher's career, as it enables him to develop his own themes and independence within the UMR, and is a springboard towards a European project."
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