[Décollage #8] Towards a Marie Sklodowska-Curie post-doctoral fellowship grant
Katalin Gosztonyi is a lecturer at Eötvös Lorànd University, Budapest. As part of a Marie Sklodowska-Curie post-doctoral fellowship, she is a visiting researcher at the Institut montpellierrain Alexander Grothendieck (Imag) to carry out her project in mathematics didactics. She tells us all about it in the video series "Décollage", presented by the Direction de l'innovation et des partenariats (Dipa) of the University of Montpellier.
The Marie Sklodowska-Curie post-doctoral fellowship is a European grant enabling a young researcher - within 8 years of completing his or her thesis - to spend two years in a foreign laboratory to carry out research. Katalin Gosztonyi is a specialist in mathematics didactics at Budapest's Eötvös Lorànd University, in other words, she studies mathematics teaching methods. It took several years of discussions with Viviane Duran-Guerrier and Simon Modeste, both researchers atImag, to put together a solid application.
" It's not enough to have an excellent project, you have to tick all the boxes, and Dipa can help us refine our application to meet all these criteria. This approach has paid off, with the young Hungarian now benefiting from two years' funding to work on teaching combinatorics, graph theory, arithmetic and logic. " We want to create a tool that can be used to analyze sets of progression problems in teaching, and thus help teachers ".
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