Japanese students scout Montpellier
A delegation from Tohoku University visited the Université de Montpellier campus from February 8 to 14. The delegation was made up of two international relations representatives, two lecturers and fourteen students, as part of the internationalization strategy of the university based in Sendai, in the Tohoku region. The aim was to promote study abroad among Japanese students and establish concrete actions within the framework of a five-year university partnership agreement between the Montpellier Faculty of Science and Tohoku University, covering courses in chemistry, mechanics and materials, earth, water and environmental sciences, as well as masters degrees in all disciplines.

This type of agreement defines the terms and conditions of a partnership, particularly in terms of mobility (students, administrative staff, teacher-researchers) and scientific cooperation. Accompanied by representatives from the University of Montpellier, the Japanese delegation visited the Polytech Montpellier school, the Faculty of Science campus and the Faculty of Pharmacy, before taking a short tour of the laboratories, including the Montpellier Laboratory of Informatics, Robotics and Microelectronics (LIRMM), the Montpellier University Space Center (CSUM), the Laboratory of Mechanics and Civil Engineering (LMGC) and the Center for Functional and Evolutionary Ecology (CEFE).