Coastal erosion: industry and scientists join forces

Coastal risk prevention is a major challenge for all coastal countries, particularly those around the Mediterranean. To meet this challenge, the University of Montpellier, the IRD and the CNRS yesterday signed a framework partnership agreement with BRLI.
Purpose of the agreement To model risks and improve information for government departments, local authorities and, more broadly, coastal stakeholders, in order to optimize warning systems and crisis management.
Partners for many years, the BRL Group, with its subsidiary BRL Ingénierie (BRLI), the Géosciences Montpellier laboratory (CNRS/UM) and the Observatoire de recherche méditerranéen de l'environnement (OSU-OREME, CNRS/UM/IRD) are working together to enable research and engineering to increase their knowledge to better prevent populations from extreme events. Their work focuses on coastal protection and shorelines, hydrometry of continental and coastal waters, risk management in coastal zones, modeling of phenomena generating natural hazards, marine sedimentology and shoreline evolution, and the impact of climate change.
The Languedoc-Roussillon region, which is involved in Mediterranean coastal issues via the Parlement de la Mer, supports this partnership between universities, research organizations and industrial players, which is fully in line with its public policy on the coast and the IDEX project.