Digital CleanUp Day: a day of action to raise awareness of the environmental footprint of digital technology
Digital CleanUp Day is a day of action to raise awareness of the environmental footprint of digital technology, taking place this year on March 16, 2024. With some 64 million servers, 2 billion Tera Bytes of data transported every year and 34 billion user terminals worldwide, the digital sector is responsible for around 4% of global Greenhouse Gas emissions, and this is set to rise to 8% by 2025.

As part of this initiative, the University of Montpellier is inviting its staff and students to take the first concrete step towards a more responsible use of digital technology, by inviting them to clean out their e-mail accounts and computers of unhelpful mail and documents. It's also an opportunity to reflect on our digital habits and take concrete steps towards more responsible digital use.