Prevention assistants' plenary day

On Monday, November 20, 2023, the University of Montpellier's prevention assistants held a plenary meeting. This meeting encourages exchanges between the UM's prevention staff and fosters a network that is essential to the smooth running of our prevention system.

At the university, each structure, component and department has its own prevention coordinator. There are 215 of them, reporting to their respective unit directors, including 170 UM staff and 45 partner staff (CNRS, Inserm, School of Chemistry, IRD, UPVM, etc.).

An indispensable role

From the storage of hazardous products in laboratories, to the provision of disinfectant equipment, not forgetting problems of workstation adaptation or recurring elevator malfunctions, the missions of prevention assistants are varied and depend very much on the structures in which they are based. As the main point of contact for employees, they also put forward proposals for improving working conditions, anticipating potential bottlenecks and dangers, and finding solutions.

Dialogues with experts

Over the course of the day, the 215 agents were able to listen to and discuss with a number of experts, including: Valérie Bultel, secretary of the specialized health, safety and working conditions committee (F3SCT); Colonel Roland Huon, UM safety and security advisor; Estelle Seidowsky, UM prevention doctor; and Ali Caliskan of Asecos, a company specializing in the construction of fireproof safety cabinets for the storage of flammable products and gas cylinders.

The afternoon was dedicated to visits: Jardin des plantes with Head of Culture Emmanuel Spicq, and the Historic Medical Building with Caroline Ducourau, Director of Scientific Culture and Historic Heritage, and Marie-Angéline Pinail, Collections Manager.