UM podcasts
UM podcasts are now available on your favorite platforms (Spotify, Deezer, Apple podcasts, Amazon Music...). With A l'UM la science et Lumlu , don't miss any of the latest scientific news from the University of Montpellier and its partners.

Every Tuesday, an episode of Lumlu invites you to rediscover an audio version of an article from Lum magazine, the University of Montpellier's science and society magazine. Thematic issues in which researchers from different disciplines share their work and expertise.
At UM la science
Every Thursday, A l'UM la science brings you the latest news from the laboratories of the University of Montpellier and its partners. Thirty minutes to decipher a recent scientific publication with its author. And don't forget to take a tour of the labs with the reportage sequence. A program co-produced with local radio station Divergence FM and broadcast on 93.9 every Wednesday at 6pm, Thursday at 12pm and Saturday at 6pm.