Student of the week // Timothée DANIEL

Timothée Daniel
21 years old
Originally from Aix en Provence
In Montpellier since 2012 for his entry to the University
In 2nd year of AES (Economic and Social Administration), public law option

Your passions? Your hobbies?

I love TV shows and watch a lot of them, classics like Game of Thrones, House of Cards, The Simpsons, H, or lesser-known ones like Mad Dogs, The 100... but I'm also very into action, adventure and western films. Another great hobby is video games, with the great classics: fifa, assasins creed, GTA, simcity.
I'm a big sports fan, especially soccer with OM and Arsenal. Fencing, because I did it for over 10 years, during which time I took part in a few junior world cups.
I'm also very keen on travelling, visiting cities and going out with friends.

In which component are you? in which year? which speciality? for which future project?

I'm in my 2nd year of AES (Economic and Social Administration), majoring in public law. I'm not sure what my future plans are, but I'm hesitating between two options: either to work in the civil service, or to pursue a career at university.

You're the Vice-President of Students at the University of Montpellier. Can you tell us a little more about this role?

My role as VPE is to represent students at the University, to help them, to help student associations, to develop and promote student life at the University of Montpellier. This involves a great deal of advice and financial support. In 2015, we supported around a hundred projects and invested several hundred thousand euros in student life. Proposing and implementing projects to provide a framework for student life and studies. Offering services to students through the University's various departments. A wide range of cultural activities in the Student Centres.
It also means introducing students to the University, with the September welcome day for new students, the student diary, etc. It's a day-to-day job, often behind the scenes, to present and promote projects to our various partners and decision-makers.

A typical day?

There isn't really a typical day, it's more like weeks. You have to juggle classes and meetings during the day, and I often don't finish before 7-8pm between meetings and classes. In the evening, it's work followed by relaxation.

What's your favorite place at the University?

My favorite place at the University... it's complicated. There are quite a few that I like!

  • La Kfet du Gide en éco ;
  • The Plant Garden;
  • The presidency building on boulevard Henri IV (the administrative offices of the University of Montpellier). It resembles a "mini-castle", and boasts a superb painting on the presidency floor;
  • The old medical school.

What's your favorite place in Montpellier?

  • Prefecture;
  • Place Jean-Jaurès ;
  • The banks of the river Lez at Port Marianne

Thank you very much Timothée for answering our questions, we wish you a wonderful and successful 2016!

Call for witnesses

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