Montpellier-Sherbrooke: a lasting agreement
From June 18 to 21 in Sherbrooke, Quebec, the 9th Montpellier-Sherbrooke scientific meetings brought together researchers, teachers and academic representatives from the Université de Sherbrooke (UdeS), the Université de Montpellier and the Université Paul-Valéry Montpellier 3 (UPVM3). On the program: scientific symposia and institutional workshops, notably on the central issue of sustainable development, shared by all.

Transatlantic relations between Montpellier and Sherbrooke have been going strong for over twenty years. At the opening of the 9th Montpellier-Sherbrooke scientific meetings, held from June 18 to 21 in Sherbrooke, Quebec, Pierre Cossette, current rector of the UdeS, enthusiastically declared: " Virtual links are all well and good, but meetings remain an opportunity to get to know one another, to understand one another, to explore new collaborations, and to really share. "
Since 2006, this event has been held every two years, alternately in Quebec and Montpellier, organized jointly by the international relations departments of the Université de Sherbrooke (UdeS), the Université de Montpellier and the Université Paul-Valéry Montpellier 3 (UPVM3). It was conceived as an opportunity for exchange designed to strengthen and develop joint research and training partnerships, while forging new links both in the cutting-edge fields of the three universities and in the sharing of institutional best practices. All in a privileged French-speaking context.
A shared strategic agreement
This year's event saw the renewal of the strategic alliance framework agreement linking the three universities, signed by Pierre Cossette, François Pierrot, vice-president in charge of international relations at UM, and Isabelle Launay, vice-president in charge of campus life at UPVM3. It's a very important partnership," says Pierre Cossette. Over the years, there have been many student exchanges, both from France and Quebec, professors have come and many scientific collaborations have taken place in a wide variety of fields: science, law, education, engineering, health sciences...".
As François Pierrot confirms: " Indeed, the partnerships and exchanges have been varied. For the Université de Montpellier, this concerns virtually all our entities: faculties, schools and institutes, of course, but also central departments and laboratories. For a long time, the University of Sherbrooke was seen by the UM as a benchmark for everything to do with student life and pedagogical innovations. Increasingly, we see it as an extremely powerful, motivating and inspiring partner for research and innovation.

Crossing paths between France and Quebec
Over three days, nearly 40 scientific and institutional workshops on the theme of " Regards croisés " brought together more than 200 participants, either face-to-face on the main campus of the Université de Sherbrooke or remotely. The workshops covered a wide range of fields: law, business schools, engineering, humanities, education, medicine and health sciences, sciences, physical activity sciences, etc. These shared moments enabled teachers and researchers to meet, discuss their practices, take stock of their collaborations, and reflect on new avenues to explore from both a scientific and pedagogical point of view.
A behind-the-scenes look at two UdeS campus facilities, both due to open in 2023, gave students the opportunity to apply their learning with a high degree of autonomy, while coming face-to-face with the professional world. Starting with theUsine-école Siboire, a non-profit organization supported by local microbrewery Siboire and a consortium of companies, where " all management, general management, operations and marketing positions are held by students ", as coordinator Steve Dussault explains. Participants were even able to preview the collaborative beer designed in close collaboration with Polytech Montpellier as part of the Débryde project. As for the Studio de création, supported by the Huguette and Jean-Louis Fontaine Foundation, it is a place for creation, technological innovation, training and entrepreneurship, accessible 24 hours a day to the entire campus student community.

Other UM departments taking part in these scientific meetings include theInstitut d'administration des entreprises (IAE) and Montpellier management (MOMA). As well as laboratories such as the LIRMM, and the Icireward center dedicated to water sciences. This diversity was essential in tackling topics as varied as humanoid robotics, cybersecurity, mental health and design thinking applied to education, over the course of three very busy days... Other meetings were held on the theme of innovation, technology transfer and research partnerships between companies and universities. "For example, the University of Sherbrooke was able to highlight its highly advanced systems for strengthening links between researchers and small businesses, supporting the maturing of technologies, and - a system that is lacking in Montpellier - accelerating the development of start-ups thanks to a dedicated investment fund," explains François Pierrot.
Ecological transition at the heart of discussions
In parallel, institutional workshops were open to all university audiences, some focusing on sustainable development and student life. Frédérique Carcaillet, vice-president for environmental issues, presented the UM's sustainable development strategy to her UdeS counterparts, Denyse Rémillard, vice-rector for administration and sustainable development, and her deputy Patrice Cordeau, in particular the master plan for ecological transition (SDTE), adopted last November. She was accompanied by Alexane Lequart, student vice-president, who spoke about the role of commitment to ecology within the student life master plan (SDVE).
"Our discussions revealed many points in common, such as the need for a structuring document, like the SDTE at the University of Montpellier or the STARS certification framework certification framework for UdeS, to engage the entire university community, staff and students alike", emphasizes Frédérique Carcaillet. "It was also an inspiring moment with the presentation of 'l'antre du développement durable', a sort of student green office, which coordinates actions linked to the ecological transition of students, essential for ensuring the visibility and continuity of actions in the medium and long term". The Université de Sherbrooke, which is proud to have achieved carbon neutrality, was also very interested in the biodiversity mapping project launched on the Triolet campus. "We 'd also like to extend this mapping to other campuses ," adds the vice-president.
The Montpellier delegation also discovered the extraordinary ecological wealth of Mont-Bellevue Park, located on the university campus and soon to be classified as a nature reserve, with 75% of its 200 hectares of mainly forested land belonging to the UdeS. In two years' time, Montpellier will in turn welcome the Quebec university to its verdant campus. By then, many scientific collaborations and institutional exchanges will have flourished on both sides of the Atlantic.