Polytech opens an engineering course at the University of Montpellier
At the EDEN (Ecosystème durable et énergies naturelles) steering committee meeting, Sophie Béjean, Rector of the Occitanie Academic Region, Rector of the Montpellier Academy, Chancellor of the Universities, announced plans for the forthcoming opening of an engineering training program at the Ecole Polytechnique Universitaire de Montpellier (Polytech Montpellier) - an internal school of the University of Montpellier - in Béziers, with the support of the French Ministry of Higher Education and Research.
The opening of this Industrial Engineering program is part of the drive by the academic region's rectorate to roll out training programs that will help Béziers reindustrialize and develop new skills in the green industry sector (focusing on the production of hydrogen from renewable energies), while promoting access to employment for local young people.
For the University of Montpellier, this project is fully in line with the establishment's strategy, which aims to offer high-level degrees, meet the need to train engineers and reinforce the necessary university presence at several sites in the region.
Indeed, at the start of the 2023 academic year, thanks to funding provided by the France 2030 Plan's "Compétences et Métiers d'Avenir" call for expressions of interest, the Rectorat de région académique and the Conseil régional supported the opening of a production line pilot vocational baccalaureate at the Lycée Jean Moulin in Béziers. The Béziers IUT, meanwhile, has opened an IA Robotics professional license.
We are working to offer local young people training courses with a high potential for professional integration at all levels, from baccalaureate to engineering degree, with strong support from the Rectorat and the Conseil Régional, and the commitment of all the players involved in the EDEN committee.
This opening is further proof of the attention paid by the French government to Genvia's development, supported by the France 2030 Investment Plan to the tune of €200 million as part of the strategy to accelerate the hydrogen industry, and to which the Prefect of Hérault pays particular attention by chairing the EDEN Committee.
The project to open this engineering training program will be submitted to the Commission des Titres d'Ingénieur (CTI), which will assess it and guarantee its quality, with a view to opening it at the start of the 2025 academic year. From the start of the 2024 academic year, the program will be offered on a work-study contract basis, as part of a specific option, from Montpellier, before being set up in Béziers on the premises of the IUT, in partnership with the Lycée Jean-Moulin, for the start of the 2025 academic year. Two components of the University of Montpellier - Polytech Montpellier and the IUT de Béziers - are directly involved in this expansion of the range of courses on offer.
Sophie Béjean, Rector of the Occitanie academic region, commented:
" It is vital to develop training courses that offer job prospects for young people and meet the economic and ecological challenges facing the region. The opening of this engineering training program in Béziers, supported by Sylvie Retailleau, Minister of Higher Education and Research, is a continuation of the work carried out by the Rectorat de région académique to support the development of emerging job-creating sectors."
Philippe Augé, President of the University of Montpellier, commented:
"The University of Montpellier is delighted at the prospect of opening this Polytech engineering course, which complements the range of professional training courses offered by our IUT in Béziers. A tremendous dynamic is being created on this site, strengthening the UM's territorial roots, to the great benefit of our students. We would like to thank the Ministry and the Rectorat for their support, and are delighted to be part of the EDEN ecosystem.
Lionel Torres, Director of Polytech Montpellier, commented:
"The engineering training model we are proposing responds to economic and societal demand in the region, while aligning itself with crucial national issues linked to the decarbonization of industry. This innovative project will draw on a variety of technical and technological skills available within the Lycée Jean-Moulin and the IUT de Béziers, enabling us to naturally establish the Bac -3 to Bac +5 continuum. The French government has responded with strength and conviction to offer Béziers a high level of quality higher education.