Interdisciplinary thesis awards
The University of Montpellier Doctoral College Dissertation Prize is awarded to three doctoral students in the Class of 2022, whose research and dissertations have had an impact beyond their disciplines.
The dossier will distinguish between the interdisciplinary nature of the project and the work carried out by the doctor.
Multidisciplinarity is a juxtaposition of disciplinary perspectives that broadens the field of knowledge, by increasing the number of data, tools and methods available. In a multidisciplinary perspective, disciplinary perimeters retain their boundaries and identity. Interdisciplinarity refers to the interaction and cooperation of several disciplines from different fields around common objects and projects. For each discipline involved, interdisciplinary work opens up research perspectives that are not limited to their respective perimeters. Such work combines data, methods, tools, theories and concepts from different disciplines in a synthesis in which the role of disciplinary components goes beyond mere juxtaposition.
Calendar :
- March 14, 2023: call for applications
- April 17, 2023: end of applications
- April 18, 2023 to May 30, 2023: analysis of applications by Doctoral Schools
- May 31, 2023: deadline for doctoral schools to send their selected files to the CDUM
- June 6, 2023: selection panel