Help with professional integration
Would you like to do an internship? Would you like help preparing for your career?
To help students build their career plans and successfully enter the workforce, the SCUIO-IP has set up a range of services and initiatives as part of the Bureau d'Aide à l'insertion Professionnelle (BAIP).
Would you like to do an internship as part of your training?
Internships are an integral part of the university curriculum. They are governed by specific provisions (law of July 10, 2014 aimed at developing, supervising internships and improving the status of interns, decree of November 27, 2014).
Internship periods and their duration vary from course to course at the University of Montpellier, depending on the teaching objectives. To find out how to organize your internship, contact the internship office or the education department of the educational component to which your course is attached.
Preparing for the internship search
Looking for an internship is becoming more and more like looking for a job, and requires real preparation on the part of the student:
- reflect on the objective of the course
- carefully select the host structure
- mobilize the various tools required for the process (information search, CV, cover letter, interview preparation, etc.)
- precisely define the tasks and skills to be acquired during the internship, in conjunction with the teacher and the internship tutor at the host organization
The SCUIO-IP team (Service Communitaire Universitaire d'Information, d'Orientation et d'Insertion Professionnelle - University Information, Orientation and Professional Integration Service) is available to all students looking for an internship for personalized advice or group workshops.
Find your internship
RESUM offers you :
- an application space with targeted job offers and job alerts,
- the ability to create and distribute different types of CV,
- boost your network,
- to keep in touch with old friends!
You can access over 300 internship opportunities online, so join us on the RESUM platform.
Internship agreement
To facilitate the management and monitoring of internships, the University of Montpellier has set up an IT tool called PStage, which enables students to complete, edit and sign internship agreements via their [Espace Numérique de Travail |]. To find out how to validate and sign your internship agreements, please contact the internship office or the tuition department of the educational component to which you belong.
In France, gratification for interns is compulsory for internships lasting more than 2 months. Internships are governed by the Law of July 10, 2014 and the Decree of November 27, 2014 (articles L124-1 to L124-20 and D124-1 to D124-9 of the Education Code).
Internships abroad
If you'd like to do your internship abroad, there are internships offered by the French Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs, and ERASMUS internships.
Workshops to help you find a job
The BAIP offers themed workshops open to all students at the University of Montpellier, from 1st year undergraduate to doctorate level.
The aim of these workshops is to help students integrate into the world of work through collective methodological support and individualized advice, to facilitate their search for internships, and to provide them with the tools they need to achieve their career goals.
The BAIP runs workshops throughout the year, in conjunction with various institutional partners of the SCUIO-IP, on the following themes:
- organize your search for an internship and/or a job ;
- designing a CV ;
- writing a cover letter ;
- CV and cover letter in English ;
- preparing for a recruitment interview ;
- identify your skills to enhance them ;
- revamp your resume ;
- Linkedin, challenges and features for your internship and job search ;
- Entrepreneurial spirit ;
- Handicap workshop: help you find a job!
Capacity: 15 students per workshop.
Location: alternately on the Triolet and Richter campuses.
Would you like to take part? Find out about the different sessions on offer?
- Barbara Strauss, vocational integration officer.
- Adeline Orssaud, vocational integration officer.
Personalized interviews
The BAIP offers one-to-one meetings to help you write your CV and cover letter, and prepare for your internship and/or job search. These meetings are open to all students and take place :
- Triolet site (building 8 - BIU): by appointment on Monday and Wednesday mornings, 9am-12pm.
- Richter site (BIU): by appointment on Thursdays from 9am to 12pm, no appointment necessary on Thursdays from 1pm to 4pm.
Appointments can be made on site with one of our information officers, by e-mail or by telephone on 04 34 43 32 33 or 04 67 14 30 61.
Days organized by the BAIP
Through its Bureau d'Aide à l'Insertion Professionnelle (BAIP), SCUIO-IP organizes career days throughout the year, offering lectures, workshops, debates, mock recruitment interviews, presentations to a panel of professionals, etc.
Transition to employment
September 28, 2023
- For Master's and PhD graduates
- Round table and workshops
University Business Forum
From October 19, 2023
Professional integration meetings
February 1, 2024
- For all Montpellier University students
5 minutes to convince contest
January 29 to February 1, 2024
- For all University of Montpellier students preparing a national diploma
Access to a selection of internship and job offers
Are you looking for an internship, your first job or new opportunities?
ResUM offers you :
- an application space with targeted job offers and job alerts,
- the ability to create and distribute different types of CV,
- boost your network,
- to keep in touch with old friends!
Then join us on ResUM!
Access to specific documentation
The SCUIO-IP provides you with all the documentation you need to facilitate your professional integration. These documents can be consulted on site.
To find out about the professional situation of graduates from the University of Montpellier, you can consult the Professional Integration Surveys.
Employment, professional integration, internships
Employment, professional integration
- Ministry of Employment
- Pole Emploi
- APEC (Association pour l'Emploi des Cadres - Association for Executive Employment)
- APEC Young Graduates
- APCE (Agency for Business Creation)
- Recruiting disabled employees
- Handiquesta
- Handi CV: dedicated to recruiting disabled workers
- Association des Paralysés de France
- ABG - From thesis to job
- Orientation & Formation (official website)
- Montpellier Métropole's Cyber Base
Special Montpellier and Occitanie region
Internships/Jobs European Union and International
- European Personnel Selection Office
- (specialized in USA)
- ISPA (Jobs in the USA)
- DFJW (jobs in Germany)
- European Commission - Internship Office
- Socrates - Leonardo
- France Volontaires
Trades and professional orders
Professions - General
- CIDJ (Centre d'info. et de documentation pour la jeunesse)
- Job catalog (produced by ANPE)
- Internships at the Ministry of Defense
- Educagri
- APECITA (Association pour l'emploi des cadres, ingénieurs et techniciens de l'agriculture et de l'agroalimentaire - Association for the employment of managers, engineers and technicians in agriculture and the agrifood industry)
- International internships (agricultural sector)
- Job portal
Banking - Insurance
- Higher Council of the Order of Chartered Accountants
- Compagnie nationale des commissaires aux comptes
Culture & Heritage
- France Diplomatie - Jobs and careers
- Maison des Français de l'Étranger
- Syndicat de la magistrature
- National Chamber of Judicial Officers
- Lawyers - Conseil national des barreaux
Environment - Sustainable development
- Jobs in protected areas
- Eco-Trades
- Durabilis - Environment and sustainable development
Electronics and telecommunications
- Fédération professionnelle de la communication d'entreprise
- Engineering Education Study Committee
Real estate
- Recruitment of real estate professionals
Internet and Multimedia
- Government health portal
- Conseil national de l'ordre des médecins
- Conseil national de l'ordre des pharmaciens (French pharmacists' association)
- Conseil national de l'ordre des chirurgiens-dentistes
- National Council of the Order of Midwives
- Audioprosthetists
- Dieticians
- Nurses
- Medical electroradiology manipulators
- Physiotherapists
- Physiotherapists
- Physiotherapists
- Speech therapists
- Orthoptists
- Medical visitors
- REMEDE Student Association
- Center national des concours d'internat
- Université médicale virtuelle francophone
- Montpellier University Hospital
- Pharmaceutical companies