Institut national supérieur du professorat et de l'éducation - Académie de Montpellier (INSPE)

General presentation

The training of teachers and CPEs, carried out by the INSPE of the Montpellier Academy, involves the rectorate and the 4 universities of the Montpellier Academy through their UFRs, departments and institutes concerned: the "Faculty of Education", the "Faculty of Science" and the "STAPS" UFR of the University of Montpellier (UM), the UFR 6 "Education and Sciences in Letters, Languages, Arts and Human and Social Sciences" of the University Paul Valéry Montpellier 3 (UPVM), the UFR "Lettres et Sciences Humaines", the UFR "Sciences Exactes et Expérimentales" and the "Institut Franco-Catalan Transfrontalier" of the University of Perpignan Via Domitia (UPVD) and the "Arts et Sciences" department of the University of Nîmes (UNîMES). At present, some 2,800 students are enrolled to prepare for the teaching profession or for a career in continuing education.

Provisional director: Christophe Iung

Key figures

  • Training offered on 10 campus sites throughout the Academy
  • 2800 students enrolled in an MEEF master's degree in the Montpellier academy


As part of our inter-university partnership, we offer :

  • Master Métiers de l'Enseignement, de l'Éducation et de la Formation" (MEEF) to prepare for competitive examinations in :
    • Professeur des écoles ("1st degree" specialization)
    • Secondary school teacher (2nd degree)
    • Conseiller principal d'éducation ("Educational Management" option)
  • The Master MEEF in training practices and engineering in the following courses:
    • Special needs education and pedagogy (EPABEP)
    • Training of trainers in the fields of teaching, education and training (FFEEF)
    • The teacher's job, the educational relationship (TERE)
    • Education, health, environment, citizenship (ESEC)

Faculties, schools and institutes See more