Living with Artificial Intelligence" workshop-debate
This event is over!
Tuesday, February 6, 2018 from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.
Polytech Montpellier, building 31, Serge Peytavin amphitheatre, Triolet site
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is increasingly present in our connected lives. Conceived in private or public laboratories, it raises questions, fascinates and frightens us, and still largely eludes us. How do we deal with it? How can we learn to live with (or without) it? How can we strengthen our capacity for action in the face of this major innovation destined to revolutionize our lifestyles and even the very essence of our humanity?
Citizens, students, high-school pupils, AI researchers, entrepreneurs, researchers in the humanities and social sciences, let's debate it so that we can appropriate the knowledge to co-construct, together, the digital world of tomorrow!
To do so, Polytech Montpellierthe Montpellier Computer Robotics and Microelectronics Laboratory (LIRMM)the Maison des Sciences de l'Homme Sud (MSH Sud) and Debate forum invite you to a series of 4 workshops in an original format designed to give everyone a chance to speak and be heard, so that we can collectively inform public debate and influence political decisions.
You can now contribute to the debate.
Registration for these workshops is free but compulsory.
Please register for the February 6, 2018 workshop by clicking here or directly on Polytech Montpellier website before February 5, 2018.