Science bar "Urban air quality - Measurement, health, prevention".

  • Category:
  • Dates : June 20, 2019
  • Timetable: 8:30 pm - 10:30 pm
  • Location:

Brasserie Le Dôme - 2, Avenue Georges Clémenceau, 34000 Montpellier.

Air quality has become a major public health issue and is at the heart of the ecological, energy and solidarity transition. The latest report from the European Environment Agency published in October 2018 is alarming: in 2015, 48,000 premature deaths in France were attributed to severely degraded air quality in urban areas.

Public bodies, doctors, researchers and citizens' associations regularly sound the alarm about air pollution, and it's clear that public policies are struggling to implement effective measures to reduce this health risk. According to the WHO, air pollution is the main environmental risk to health worldwide.

From concern to awareness, the questions keep coming: Where do the various pollutants that concentrate in the heart of cities and degrade the air we breathe come from? What impact do they have on our health? What precautions and measures can we take?

This science-society debate brings together 4 scientists and specialists in the field:

  • Pierre Camps, CNRS Research Director at the Geosciences Laboratory (University of Montpellier);
  • Davia Dosias-Perla, research engineer at the ARTDev laboratory (Université Paul Valéry) - Co-founder of the "Les Artivistes" association;
  • Lionel Scotto d'Apollonia - Associate researcher at the LIRDEF laboratory (University of Montpellier - Paul Valéry University) - Deputy director of the GDR Parcs - Co-founder of the "Les Artvistes" association;
  • Florence Trébuchon, Allergist - Member of Collectif Air-Santé-Climat and ASEF (Association Environnement France).

Birthday party
"After-bar des sciences": Afro-Latin music by the group Onda Ya.

Bar des Sciences Facebook page