Snow White, willing or victim?

  • Category: Round table
  • Dates : November 26, 2024
  • Opening hours: 12:15 to 1:30 p.m.
  • Location: By videoconference

Opening of the event by Agnès Fichard-Carroll, Vice-President of Training and University Life, in charge of gender equality.


  • Alexia Boucherie, doctoral student in sociology at Bordeaux University;
  • Marion Giroud, doctoral student in criminal law at the Montpellier Faculty of Law and Political Science;
  • Margaux Roux, clinical psychologist;
  • Aurore Le Mat and Laura Hennequin, directors and members of the collective Une Caméra à soi ;
  • Léa and Dryas, students who took part in the "what we want" workshop.

Join us for a round-table discussion exploring the notion of consent in all its facets.

Based on two short films made by students at the University of Montpellier, our speakers will discuss the legal definition of consent, its implications and its "grey areas".

This discussion will question how popular culture, education and the media shape our representations of consent, between glamorized violence and rape culture.

Come and join this discussion, and don't miss this opportunity to question your representations and practices!

Open to the general public.
Limited number of places: registration required.

Further information and contact:
Tel: 04 67 14 94 59

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