Women in Business: Economic Transformation: Towards New Professions" symposium

  • Category:
  • Dates: October 17, 2017
  • Opening hours: 3:00 pm - 9:30 pm
  • Location:

Tuesday, October 17, 2017 from 3 p.m. to 9:30 p.m.
Salle Aimé Schoenig, espace Richter

This event is open to professionals and individuals, with a particular focus on the building, digital and healthcare sectors.
Women's share of working life is growing, with particular progress in skilled trades. The DARES report (April 2015) shows that the share of female employment should continue to grow, despite the maintenance of a strong male-female divide in certain sectors.
The economic transformation brought about by the digitization of activities is now affecting all businesses. It's no longer just a question of the new economy, or the digital economy. We are witnessing a profound recomposition of the structural framework of professional activities in all sectors, both traditional and technological.
Company managers are today expressing a need for new professions mobilizing original combinations of skills, involving a relatively high tertiary dimension. The publication by the Ministry for Families, Childhood and Women's Rights (key figures 2016) shows the persistence of strong professional inequalities, despite a marked presence of women in the tertiary sector. What professional prospects are open to women in this new world of work? What professions can they hope to enter? What professional future lies ahead?
The second edition of the "Women in Business" symposium is an opportunity for all those who wish to exchange ideas and offer new insights on this major issue of professional development in the 21st century to come and compare their points of view.
Participants in these exchanges will be representatives of companies, networks and institutions in which new professions open to gender diversity are proposing innovative approaches to women's work. The aim of these exchanges is to map out new approaches to the workplace throughout France.
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