Protein phase transitions in and out of cells" symposium
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April 20, 2017 from 11am to 12pm
Salle "Grande Ourse", bâtiment 13, étage 1, campus Triolet.
Professor Ned Wingreen, from Princeton University (USA), is at the University of Montpellier from April 19 to 21, hosted by the "Systèmes Complexes et Phénomènes Non linéaires" (SCPN) team of the Charles Coulomb Laboratory.
Prof. Wingreen is a Theoretical Physicist renowned worldwide for his work in Biophysics. He is Director of theLewis-Sigler Institute for Integrative Genomics, and his current research focuses on modeling intracellular networks in bacteria and other microorganisms, as well as microbial communities.
John Palmeri
Tel: 04 67 14 45 64