Colloquium "Regards croisés sur le nouveau Code de justice pénale des mineurs" ("Crossed views on the new juvenile criminal justice code")

  • Category:
  • Dates : December 3, 2021
  • Opening hours: 13:45 - 18:00
  • Location:

Faculté de Droit et de Science politique - Centre-ville, bât 1, amphi C, 39 rue de l'Université 34000 Montpellier.

The classic text on juvenile criminal law dates back to the Ordinance of February 10, 1945.

The law of February 26, 2021 ratifying the Ordinance of September 11, 2019 reforming the Ordinance of 1945, provides for the new legislation to come into force on September 30, 2021. A new Juvenile Criminal Justice Code is thus created. What are the Code's main contributions in terms of responses to juvenile delinquency?

The symposium, organized by Professor Marie-Christine Sordino of the Montpellier Criminal Law Team, is one of the first to be held on this theme. Its aim is to bring together the views of academics who are national specialists in the field and practitioners who are fully involved in these important issues for French society, both now and in the future, since minors embody the future and the challenges it will have to face.