Conference "The expansion of the Universe, 100 years of Einstein's cosmological constant".

  • Category:
  • Dates: May 18, 2017
  • Timetable: 8:30 pm - 9:30 pm
  • Location:

By Mathieu Langer, CNRS researcher at the Institut Astrophysique Spatiale
May 18, 2017 from 8:30 to 9:30 p.m.
Galileo Planetarium
In the modern sense of the term, cosmological science is still in its infancy. And yet, there have been so many twists and turns since its birth! I'll take you on a guided tour of the history of the universe as we know it today, from its first incredibly energetic moments to our present days of accelerated expansion. Along the way, we'll see that the birth of cosmology is intimately linked to the famous cosmological constant, whose hundredth anniversary 2017 marks. Finally, we'll open the door to the major scientific questions that are currently mobilizing cosmologists the world over.