Water crisis: global issues and local challenges
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Today, more than ever, water is a universal and complex issue. Its importance will only increase in the years to come, amplified by climate change, population growth and rapid urbanization. These factors are likely to lead to risks, disasters, economic and social difficulties, as well as tensions and conflicts across the planet. So how do we respond to these multiple crises? The answers and solutions are first and foremost local. They require us to rethink certain elements and foundations of the way our human societies function.
Eric SERVAT is Director of the ICIREWARD - Montpellier UNESCO International Center for Water, Director of Research at IRD and Associate Professor at the University of Montpellier.
The conference is organized by the Observatoire de Research Montpellierrain de l'Environnement (OREME) and is part of the Academic Year of Geosciences.
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