Demanding justice and addressing socio-spatial and environmental injustices in the South

  • Category: Conference
  • Dates : April 24 to 26, 2024
  • Timetable: A 14h
  • Venue: Montpellier (various locations)

April 24: MSH SUD, Site St Charles 2 - 71 rue du Professeur Henri Serre, Montpellier; opening hours: 2pm - 6pm.

April 25 and 26: Amphithéatre Ressources humaines - 5 boulevard Henri IV, Montpellier; opening hours: 9am - 5:30pm.

The countries of the South are experiencing strong processes of land exclusion and exposure to environmental risks, often linked to particularly brutal extractivist logics. Faced with these situations, we are seeing a growing mobilization of concepts of socio-spatial and environmental justice in research aimed at describing them and analyzing the various forms of resistance or contestation they give rise to. But these concepts are implicitly or explicitly based on supposedly universal theories of the state and citizenship. The colloquium aims to confront these concepts with the specific social relations between state and citizen, in different contexts of the global South.

Organized by : UMR-SENS and the Montpellier Advanced Knowledge Institute on Transitions. Supported by Pôle foncier Montpellier, IRD, CIRAD, MSH-Sud, FIAS, Agropolis and the University of Toronto.

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