ESOVE 2024 - 23rd European Society for Vector Ecology Conference
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One Health in action: supporting and accelerating the bridging of the vertebrate and plant health communities
Under the aegis of the European Society for Vector Ecology (E-SOVE) and with the support of VECTOPOLE SUD, the international congress "One Health in Action" will be held in Montpellier from October 14 to 17, 2024. This major scientific event will highlight the challenges posed by vector-borne diseases, which represent a growing threat to public, animal and plant health worldwide.

As vector-borne diseases such as dengue fever, malaria, bluetongue, epizootic haemorrhagic disease and West Nile virus continue to spread both north and south, this congress will bring together experts and researchers to discuss vector surveillance, prevention and control strategies. Based on a "One Health" approach, the event will focus on the intersections between human, animal and environmental health, and how to address these growing health risks.
A forum for meeting global health challenges
This congress is a unique opportunity to raise awareness of the challenges posed by vector-borne diseases among the general public, decision-makers and the media. In a context where population mobility and ecosystem transformations are increasing the risk of disease propagation, a "One Health" approach is essential for a coordinated, multi-sectoral response. This meeting in Montpellier aims to encourage exchanges between disciplines and build common strategies to prevent future health crises.
Encouraging innovation and scientific research
The congress will also showcase the next generation of researchers, with prizes awarded for the best oral and poster presentations. These awards, supported by numerous institutional and scientific partners (*), testify to the congress' strong commitment to promoting innovation and excellence in the fight against vector-borne diseases. A crucial event where science and commitment meet to build a safer future in the face of vector-borne disease challenges.
* ANRS MIE, Cirad, CNRS, EID Med, ENVT, INRAE, IRD, UM, pole AEB, Vectopole Sud, SOVE, MediLabSecure, 3M, Prezode, Defi Clé RIVOC, Occitanie region, University of Perpignan
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