Travelling exhibition "In-Utile. A choreographic journey

  • Category:
  • Dates: May 4 to June 7, 2018
  • Opening hours: 08h00 - 19h00
  • Location:

May 4 to June 7, 2018
Opening Tuesday, May 15, 2018 at 12 pm
Maxcasa photographic exhibition
IES cafeteria area (bât.5), St Priest campus

Maxcasa captures the useless gesture

Photographer Maxcasa signs a touring exhibition born of the encounter between dance and photography, in pursuit of the "useless gesture"...
There are five of them, in tight-fitting black and white suits. A few words, and then all hell breaks loose... A breathless race. Gestures follow one another relentlessly, places are crossed, traversed, exhausted by the dancers. Faces scarred by effort, their bodies cross, grab, embrace or push each other away. Hearts race. Faces beady with tension. Costumes become detached, lost along the way...

In search of the useless gesture

Maxcasa's sharp eye catches the bodies set in motion by choreographer Leonardo Montecchia (Cie de la Mentira). This unclassifiable choreographer, who likes to track down our everyday gestures, spent several months in residence at the University of Montpellier in 2015 and 2016(see article "Précieux inutile"). Immersed in this "city at the heart of the city" with its 45,000 students and 4,500 staff, Leonardo and his interpreters lived among its inhabitants, tracking down that rarity: the "useless gesture".
Photographer Maxcasa now brings us still images of the choreographer's eventful work. Everything is offered, but you have to seize it," he says. If you run slower than the dancers, you won't find your place. If you run too fast, they'll have disappeared behind a back door. Without warning, they create a dance space between two staircases or two walls.

"Stories in the spotlight

A professional photographer based in Montpellier, specializing in reportage, Maxcasa also works in portraiture, architecture, live performance, studio and video. " I tell stories through light, in the service of the people I photograph. I cast a subjective and benevolent eye on them, faithful to the trust they place in me. Responding to a smile with an image, constantly searching for the point of truth in a scene, bringing out the lines of a composition, letting yourself be overwhelmed by a look. To go through sublime moments, wonderful encounters, improbable situations, so as not to forget anything and to take advantage of all that we are given to see, the better to offer it in return ".
Travelling exhibition at the UM, from September 2017 to Spring 2018.